Leaving home and the early days

bike tour photo new york

At long last, Ryan and I set off from quiet Kingston, Rhode Island to conquer the world. He had a tearful goodbye with his parents while I said goodbye to my sedentary lifestyle. At departure, I weighed in at nearly 130 pounds including water, while Ryan topped the scales at 165. I suspect that those weights will flip flop by the end of this thing. Anyone want to take me up on this bet?

The ride began smoothly. In only one day (with the help of a ferry) we cruised through RI, CT, and found a delightful stealth camping spot on Long Island. The next day we went North (yup, North) so Ryan could get a look at Montauk. His hopes were dashed when he say a No Surfing sign so he settled for the obligatory selfie.

Bike touring montauk new york
40 miles out of the way for this

After passing the beautifully landscaped Hamptons, the roads got narrower and the weather turned foul. Rain, wind, and unsympathetic drivers for miles on end. Heck, even a mini school bus cut us off to rush into yet another strip mall parking lot. Of Long Island drivers, they’re best summed up by a man named Paul, “Long Island Drivers: they have no time for anything and aren’t going anywhere”. Thankfully at the end of a long, wet stretch the ever accommodating Agrell household took us in for the night. Ryan seemed in much better the spirits after a shower, a real dinner, and a night back on a mattress. This guy better toughen up before we leave the U.S.

new york bike tour bikemeetsworld
Humbling Breezy Point

Onward to NYC where Ryan parked me in a Brooklyn apartment while he went and had fun with friends Annie and Dan. I was chomping at the bit for some city riding while he was gallivanting with friends, eating bagels, drinking bourbon, and generally being useless. After yet another rainy day of waiting, we set off for greener pastures: the New Jersey shore. Updates coming soon.

bike tour photo long island
Breakfast stop on LI
bike touring long island
Easily amused
bikemeetsworld bike tour new york
Well done, Brooklyn


  1. Joann

    Hi, My name is Joann. I had the pleasure of meeting Ryan today at the Lavalette NJ library. I walked up to him and asked if he was homeless . His response after some thought was , yeh, I guess. He is funny, cute and I complimented that he did not smell. His bike was cool and packed pristinely. The best of luck on your journey, be safe, ( saftey first ) Enjoy ! I will try to follow. Oh and check out RyanMackPhoto for some great surf photos. Claim It !

  2. Ryan

    Yay Ryan! Looking forward to following this amazing adventure of yours. We are all truly jealous. Ride on!

    1. Ryan

      And I am jealous of your profile photo! You WordPress whiz, you.

  3. Ray Delgado

    Very excited for you! Keep on trucking. Getting out of New Jersey was definitely the hardest thing you’ll encounter this trip!

    1. Ryan

      Thanks Ray! 4 months in and that statement holds true.

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