Coming soon: stories from the road

world bike tour blog photo

Hello World. It’s not very long before Ryan and I set off to see you. In fact, we should be leaving Rhode Island by the end of May. The goal is to arrive in Florida by end of July. I’ve heard it’s the perfect time to visit.


  1. Margaret Southward

    I was the gal you met near Sandy Hook that took you to the boardwalk! After we parted I had 1,000 questions for you so I am glad your bike has a blog. I also wanted to give you more directions on how to stay close to the water for a while, but alas..our time together was too short. Odd thing is I was just thinking about setting up a Instagram account for my bike (HapHap). Good luck on your journey and I look forward to reading your bikes blog!

    1. Ryan

      Hey Margaret! Thanks again for those directions. They were far superior to anything google was recommending. Also, I fully support you opening an Instagram for your bike! That way she can do all the trivial internet work while you cycle blissfully. Hope you’re enjoying the September riding!

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