First, I'd like to thank Ray for that witty and thoughtful contribution to my bike tour account. While there were no references to cycling, I appreciate that the group chose…
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Guest post: Friendship

There are few pleasures in life as nice as seeing someone you care about in their element. Ryan is living a complete life and those who know him are all…
See MoreCoast to Coast in Panama

Slipping into Panama was almost too easy. Ryan paid a nominal fee, got his passport stamped, and then had the smug pleasure of riding past all the suckers with backpacks…
See More100% Tico

Crossing the border into Costa Rica feels like time traveling forward one decade. The street dogs are purebreds and the bikes have disc brakes. Clearly, Costa Rica is winning the…
See More100% Nica

Welcome to Central America's largest country, Nicaragua. Here the beers are cheap, the volcanoes active, the lakes massive, and the animosity towards Costa Rica, stronger than ever. We entered Nicaragua…
See MorePointbreaks and Breakdown Lanes

Breaking Ryan's rule of "never crossing borders after 4pm", we slipped into El Salvador around sunset and peddled hard for the first discernable town. The civil engineers in El Salvador…
See MoreGuatemalan fling

With much trepidation and the beginnings of nostalgia, Ryan and I bid farewell to Mexico. So long Aztec temples, daily earthquakes, favorable exchange rates, and flavorful food. Hello Guatemala? I…
See MoreMéxico: Parte 2

What a difference 7000 vertical feet make. From the cool, crisp mountains of the Oaxacan highlands to the humid, tropical coastal plain, the change was evident in the amount of…
See MoreMéxico: Parte 1

"We're a long way from Florida". This has become Ryan's most popular non-expletive refrain as we ride through Mexico. Normally this is blurted out affectionately after descending a mountain pass,…
See MoreEarthquake update
We interrupt the normally scheduled story from the road with a quick personal safety update. Both Ryan and I are fine. The earthquake that struck 150 miles off the Oaxacan…
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